Rod Ends Series K - Stainless housing - Requiring maintenance

Series GIRS

Rod Ends with female threads regreasable through the housing with flush type grease fitting
For use in corrosive environments


  »  CAD Data

(D H7)
B M A F L K J O SW G GL Static load
Co kN
Dynamic load C kN Limiting speed
Pivoting Angle
α (°)
31) 6 4,5 14 21 28 6,5 5 5,1 5,5 M 3 10 8 1,8   14 6
5 8 6 18 27 36 11 9 7,7 9 M 5 10 11,8 3,3 1200 13 18
6 9 6,75 20 30 40 13 10 8,9 11 M 6 12 13,1 4,3 1500 13 27
8 12 9 24 36 48 16 12,5 10,4 13 M 8 16 20,7 7,1 1200 14 46
10 14 10,5 28 43 57 19 15 12,9 17 M 10 20 28,3 10 1000 13 76
12 16 12 32 50 66 22 17,5 15,4 19 M 12 22 34,5 13,5 860 13 115
14 19 13,5 36 57 75 25 20 16,8 22 M 14 25 39,5 17 750 16 170
16 21 15 42 64 85 27 22 19,3 22 M 16 28 60,5 21,5 660 15 230
18 23 16,5 46 71 94 31 25 21,8 27 M 18x1,5 32 73 26 600 15 320
20 25 18 50 77 102 34 27,5 24,3 32 M 20x1,5 33 83 31,5 540 14 415
22 28 20 54 84 111 37 30 25,8 32 M 22x1,5 37 100 38 500 15 540
25 31 22 60 94 124 42 33,5 29,6 36 M 24x2 42 118 47,1 440 15 750
30 37 25 70 110 145 50 40 34,8 41 M 30x2 51 155 64 370 17 1130
35 43 28 80 125 165 58 46 37,7 50 M 36x2 56 191 80 330 19 1600
40 49 35 90 142 187 69 57 44,2 60 M 42x2 60 235 116 290 16 2770


Housing: Stainless steel to 1.4057, Aisi 431, forged, polished
  Ssize 40 made from stainless steel to 1.4057, Aisi 431, turned
Insert: Special high strength bronze to CuSn8
Ball: Bearing steel to 100Cr6, Aisi 52100, hardened, ground, polished, hard chrome plated on the running surface
On request: Other tribological pairing possible
This series is also available on request in some sizes sealed (-2RS) or with threaded bolt (-BO).
Cetop connections see G-CETOP
1) Without lubrication fitting

FLURO®-Gelenklager GmbH
Siemensstrasse 13
72348 Rosenfeld, Germany
0049 7428 / 9385-0


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