The FLURO® world


The delivery program includes FLURO®'s own products and merchandise:

Spherical Plain Bearings of all series (DIN ISO 12240-1) and Rod Ends of series E and K (DIN ISO 12240-4) as well as Hydraulic Rod Ends, High-Performance Spherical Plain Bearings, High-Temperature Spherical Plain Bearings, Spherical Plain Bearings and Rod Ends for Motor sports and Precision parts for Aviation and aerospace are available. As product supplement, we carry Spherical Plain Bearings and Rod Ends with inch dimensions, Angle Joints, Fork Heads / Fork Ball Joints, Link Rods / Coupling Rods, Cylindrical Spherical Plain Bearings, Cylindrical Sliding Bushings, Bearing Mounting, Precision parts, Laser welded parts and Accessories.

Where standard measurements can not be used, we produce Special parts to drawings, samples or do our own construction to customer requirements.

In principle FLURO® manufactures and supplies everything from single parts to large volume series.

FLURO Products

From the tuba to the excavator

Rod Ends and Spherical Plain Bearings are used in almost all areas of the machine and plant manufacturing, e.g. printing, packaging, robot technique, paper milling, wood processing, food processing, as well as transportation and filling systems and automated welding equipment. In vehicles the parts are used in suspensions, also on rail vehicles and especially on power disconnecting devises at distribution stations. Moreover the product spectrum reaches from construction vehicles up to the aerospace. Also very filigree, mechanical applications like for trumpets and medical equipment the FLURO® parts are used.

Our customer base

FLURO® delivers to the complete broad band of mid sized companies in the areas of machine-, plant- and vehicle manufacturing. Special corrosion resistant parts are used in the marine application area and the food processing and chemical industry. Our customers are service companies, OEM's and components producers. Other producers of various equipment are added. Our products are delivered worldwide, mostly via distributors.

Machine, plant, manufacturing

Production and assembly

One main feature of FLURO® is the above average profound production. The machine outfit is excellent adjusted to all machining processes and the mounting of finished parts. Where technical advantages  can be used new machines are added. Not for nothing there are still individual robust machines in use since the foundation of the company. Installations for the material loading and single interconnections of assembly lines are created and installed by our qualified staff. Also robot supported handling is implemented.
Production, assembly

FLURO®-Gelenklager GmbH
Siemensstrasse 13
72348 Rosenfeld, Germany
0049 7428 / 9385-0


National / International


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