Environmental management

Economic and ecological measures have always been important for our corporate management. Especially in the last 15 years we have made a better effort at the environmental conscious process optimization. The executive management does also define the quality standards/requirements with sustainability and a long-term planning process. This demand includes the company in its entirety, from the building management to the production technology.

Our measures in environmental issues and energy efficiency also include:

  • In the production halls we can save ~90t CO2 a year with the latest heat exchanger and heat recovery of the process heat as well as the radiant heat of the motors and compressors.
  • Heating and cooling of the administration buildings with geothermal energy (annual savings of 12t CO2).
  • Our own consumption of the generated electricity is >80%. In 2021, for example, we were thus able to save 227t of CO2.
  • The roofs of our productions halls are used for regenerative energy production by means of photovoltaic modules.
  • We mind that we only buy goods and provide external processes to suppliers who also respect these legislative standards.
  • Reuse of reusable packaging and biodegradable filling material.

For us it is very important to preserve a habitable environment for future generations. Our permanent aspiration is to make every effort to continue to find ways to save energy and to intensify the development of renewable energies.

Production hall, photovoltaic, regenerative energy, energy efficiency
Photovoltaic modules


FLURO®-Gelenklager GmbH
Siemensstrasse 13
72348 Rosenfeld, Germany
0049 7428 / 9385-0


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